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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

AIAS E-board: A President's Fairwell

Moulee Patel, our AIAS-LTU past president, has recently graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Architecture and has some parting words and also a message for the new Executive Board for the coming year. 

I stumbled into AIAS three years ago with the help of then vice-president Jonathon Cebelak. At the time, I didn’t know much about the organization. I paid my dues and right off the bat registered for my first conference: Midwest Spring Quad in Indianapolis, Indiana. During my weekend there, I was thrust into the AIAS experience: positions, leadership, event planning, etc. The following year, I ended up serving on the Executive Board as Treasurer. It all happened so fast that I didn’t have time to think about what I was doing or, more importantly, thank Jonathon for helping me make all of these decisions!

My time in AIAS started of merely as a resume builder but throughout the journey, became so much more. I grew into my position as Treasurer but found how much more I could take part in on a local and national level. I had Jonathon’s endless enthusiasm to expand our chapter rub off on me, especially when I attended Forum in Minneapolis which, needless to say, was an incredible feeling. Hundreds of architecture and design students from around the country gathering together to talk about issues facing architecture and the profession all while taking part in tours and seminars is one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had.  Forum was my “ah ha!” moment because that is when I found out what AIAS truly meant.

I understood how much AIAS has to offer and also what I can do for the organization as well. After my return from Forum, I knew I wanted to run for President for the following year, despite my fear. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I also knew I had to jump right in if I wanted to make a difference. So I ran for President and started my term in the summer of 2010. Jonathon, along with Bryce Gamper, Kevin Brown, Jacob Boyd and Ryan Tucker joined me on the Executive Board for the 2010-11 academic year.  Being the only girl on the Executive Board was interesting but I could not have asked for a better group of leaders. We embarked on a journey and experimented with many new things to improve our chapter: workshops, fundraisers, trips, retreats, bake sales, food carts – you name it!! I am so glad we did each and every one of them even if some didn’t turn out the way we wanted it to.

Looking back, it looked like a pretty good year, but what is more exciting is that next year is going to be 10 times better!  Our new Executive Board is on their retreat right now, planning for the fall and making changes to better our chapter. They have so many fantastic ideas, excitement, dedication and spunk (and let me just say that we were pretty awesome).  I know that the new Board is ready to take AIAS-LTU to bigger and better places. 

I can’t thank the E-board and ALL of our members enough for such a great year.  My journey with the AIAS has been filled with so many valuable memories and I encourage everyone to join and serve on the executive board.  You will never know until you take the chance!

We are going to miss you so much Moulee!! Good luck on all of your future endeavors!!

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